MIX070 - Vladimir Ivkovic (貝爾格萊德)[Live for Strange Weather]

Recorded live at 宀 in Hong Kong on November 2nd 2024

After we've carefully set up a few traps, and after Vladimir's extended set for Strange Weather back in October, we can surely say mission accomplished and entanglement's achieved

We like to think that calling him uncompromising triggered the sweetest response: a deffiant cruise barely over 80bpm, only (if ever) reaching a 100 two hours in. But we're only trying to get some credit for these five hours of dignified dancefloor shatter

Because make no mistake, it's been an undoubtedly clubbing experience, with music so excessively fictional but without ever resorting to mime, as like in a dancer's body, with decisions in progress on full display (you know that exact moment, usually before a sequence or combination of movements, that one fraction of a second that happens in a dancer's body - a moment of tension, an unintended delay between the decision to execute a move and the actual execution ; it's not really rethinking or being indecisive - it's another instance in the dancer's body, inseparable from them but remembering things differently, it's an instinct, like right before you wake up, that rarely privileged moment, with only outlines of consciousness available ; a dream is still in progress, but there's potential to intervene as a director)